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Strong Room Doors :
With break-in attacks getting more and more sophisticated by the day, it is crucial for bank and high volume businesses to put in stringent security measures. Godrej Security Solutions has hence created state-of-the-art Strong Room Doors to provide protection against criminal activity. The doors are made with double duty barrier material and torch and drill matrix to provide superior resistance against attacks by drill machines, oxyacetylene torches and more. The doors come fitted with two dual control high precision locks, as well as automatic relocking deadlocks. The Strong Room Doors are especially created for banks, financial institutions, jewellers and other high turnover businesses.
Features :

Unique two-step door construction

12 shooting bolts, 38mm diameter each provided in front and rear to secure the door

Impact resisting shaft for handle which defeats attempt of hammer it in

Double duty barrier to provide reliable protection against fire

Balanced pressure bolt to protect against dislodging attempt by creating equal neutralizing pressure from within

Locking and relocking devices are protected by specially designed dril defeat shield

Automatic relocking device deadlocks the door in case of explosives or mechanical attacks on the lock

Automatic relocking device on primary lock for extra protection

Grille gate is secured with high precision 8 lever locks from Godrej

Fitted with two dual control high-precision 8 lever locks from Godrej

A relay micro switch Is provided inside to control the lighting inside the vault room

Tested and certified as per BIS standard IS 11 188

​Locking mechanism - Combination Lock, Electronic Lock, Biomteric Lock, Time Lock

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